Specialists in dealing with financial settlements, clean break and financial consent orders, we offer a personal service tailor made for your personal circumstances and budget.
Addressing the financial issues on divorce is often referred to as seeking a ‘financial consent order’, ‘financial order’, ‘clean break order’ or ‘clean break settlement’. There may also be immediate considerations such as should one party be paying a monthly amount, interim maintenance or maintenance pending suit, to support their spouse financially whilst the divorce is proceeding through court and a final financial settlement is considered. This is commonly known as spousal maintenance.
“Extremely professional but very friendly and approachable. All fees are explained up front and there are no hidden extras. I have no hesitation in recommending the services of Heritage Park.”
If you have reached agreement we can usually offer a fixed fee to deal with your financial consent order. You will also have to pay a fee to the court, currently £53, so that the Judge will consider and approve your agreement. This will make it legally binding on both of you and enforceable through the courts.
“Always very responsive, professional and gave sound and sensitive advice throughout. Always felt I was in good hands and would thoroughly recommend.”
As specialist family lawyers, we understand how important it is that you have a financial order when you divorce, even if there are no jointly owned assets and the financial order simply confirms that you each retain assets in your own name and we can advise you on an appropriate financial settlement and the implications. A financial order on divorce is the only way of ensuring any agreement you make is legally binding and enforceable and the other party cannot change their mind about how financial matters are dealt with on divorce.
We offer a personal service tailor made for your personal circumstances and budget. You remain in control by being able to refer to us for help and advice as much or as little as you wish, throughout the process or at any stage, and as many times as you need to.